Posts in Paediatrics
Dance Mode

If, like me, the kids in your life are Bluey fans, you’ve probably seen the "Dance Mode" episode. Inspired by this, and the fact that my 8-month-old Josie has started bopping along to music, I’ve decided that this Feel Good February, we’ll have a dance party each night as part of our bedtime routine. I did some research about the benefits of dancing as a family and found some great reasons to give it a try. Mostly, I’m just hoping it might make bedtime for my 2.5-year-old, Owen, a little smoother (cross your fingers for me)!

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Give the Gift of Play and Experience - Encourage Bilateral Body MOVE-MEnt this Christmas

In what some would call the longest year ever, Christmas is finally right around the corner. The Christmas trees are up and decorated, Christmas carols can be heard everywhere you go, and the shops are filled with everyone trying to find that ‘perfect’ present. Present shopping can be stressful enough as it is, let alone stopping to consider if said present helped support and enrich the development of your child’s brain.

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FUNdamental MOVE-MEnt - The building blocks for brain development through play

We are all neurologically hardwired to learn through movement, play and interaction in our environment from the moment we’re born. From the initial breast crawl as a baby, through all our early milestones of rolling, crawling, walking and beyond, each skill set is achieved and built on from the one before and it is through these experiences that a baby builds their world.

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