Posts tagged Movement
25 day push up challenge - can exercise change your brain and enhance your health?

I’ve been nominated by our very own Dr Melissa (Chiropractor). Thanks, I think? Day 4 of twenty-five and I am realising how I’ve neglected my upper body these last 7 years of cycling. Ignoring all other athletic pursuits has helped me cultivate the physique of a T-rex. This is great for riding my bike. I have no unnecessary upper body weight or bulk to slow me down. However, it does explain why after 100 push ups over the last 4 days it hurts to eat, brush my teeth, or generally do anything that requires me to lift my arms.

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FUNdamental MOVE-MEnt - The building blocks for brain development through play

We are all neurologically hardwired to learn through movement, play and interaction in our environment from the moment we’re born. From the initial breast crawl as a baby, through all our early milestones of rolling, crawling, walking and beyond, each skill set is achieved and built on from the one before and it is through these experiences that a baby builds their world.

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