FUNdamental MOVE-MEnt - The building blocks for brain development through play

“Fundamental movement skills (FMS) allow children to interact and explore their environment” 

We are all neurologically hardwired to learn through movement, play and interaction in our environment from the moment we’re born. From the initial breast crawl as a baby, through all our early milestones of rolling, crawling, walking and beyond, each skill set is achieved and built on from the one before and it is through these experiences that a baby builds their world.

Fundamental movement skills help the different areas of the brain to grow and evolve. Movement and physical activity not only help to enable the development of the ABC’s (agility, balance and coordination) of movement to occur, but it also helps to strengthen our respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Furthermore, research shows that encouragement of movement and free play grants children the opportunity to develop and strengthen confidence in their self-awareness, communication skills, emotional and social development as well as increasing memory, problem solving skills and cognitive learning. 

In other words, children who participate in active learning through movement and interaction will absorb new skills easier than by simply observing and reading. All of this helps children to grow healthily and happily. Also, it is important to understand that by encouraging children to move and play from a young age, they are more likely to engage in physical activity throughout childhood and into adulthood. 

The beautiful thing about movement is that there are no rules, and therefore no limits to how creative and innovative you and your children can be. Below are some amusing and dynamic animal inspired activities for the kids to do that will help encourage development of these skills in a  FUNdamental MOVE-MEnt way and provide laughter for the whole family. 
