Gonstead technique
Chiropractic began with Daniel D. Palmer giving his first adjustment in September 1895 in Davenport, Iowa. Today, there are many methods used by chiropractors to correct spinal misalignments, joint dysfunctions and subluxation complexes. Many techniques are identified by the name of the person who was most instrumental in their development. One of the most advanced and scientific methods is a technique called The Gonstead System.
Dr Gonstead developed his procedures as a result of extensive clinical research in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin. These procedures were developed
over many years of clinical observation and research to work out how to get sick patients well. Doctor Gonstead’s 55 years of continuous practice
and over four million chiropractic adjustments resulted in a most complete method of biomechanical analysis for use by today’s doctors of chiropractic.
Dr Gonstead was asked by other chiropractors to teach them what he did and how he got the results that he did. This lead to the development of the
Gonstead Seminar in the mid 1940's and a systematic approach to explaining the way he practiced and got sick patients well.
See more on the Gonstead Chiropractic Society website.
For further information on the Gonstead technique or to book in to see a chiropractor please contact us.