Low back pain and poor posture

Low back pain and poor posture are all too common for many people. Generally, we all sit too much. Whether you are at work, commuting in the car, or lounging at home watching TV, playing computer games or sitting on your iphone, sitting for extended periods contribute to poor posture, weakened core and may even eventually cause low back pain.

You are probably all familiar with the superman exercise, but it is a great activity building the muscles in the neck, back, core, arms and legs, improving posture and even building neuronal connections in your brain and assisting learning and memory.

This is one for the whole family, and a bit of friendly competition can be beneficial.

How do you the superman exercise?

Have you and your child begin on your stomachs. Count to three and then engage your tummy muscles and bring your legs, arms, and head off the ground just like Superman. Hold this position for as long as you can, before coming back to the ground. Aim for 2 minutes. To start with, that may only be 10-20 seconds. Do it daily, gradually increasing the time.

Benefits of the superman:

Improves posture - activates the back extensor muscles

improves core strength

improves spinal stability and reduces low back pain.

improves balance and co-ordination - increases strength of spinal stabilising muscles and improves proprioception (information of where your body is in space.) You can increase the challenge by lifting opposite arm and leg off the ground at the same time, and then switch. This is working the left and right sides of the brain together once again to improve balance and proprioception.

Helps with learning and memory. Acetylcholine neurotransmitter works at the neuro-muscular junction. That’s the point where your nervous system and muscles meet. Every time you move your muscles, acetylcholine is in play. This can be voluntary movements or unconscious ones like your heartbeat or the contractions of peristalsis that moves food through your digestive tract. This important neurotransmitter also impacts learning and memory functions of the brain. Exercise has been shown to increase the release of various neurotransmitters, including acetylcholine, which can contribute to improved cognitive performance.

So, this is your challenge - should you choose to accept it - to incorporate Superman exercise into your daily routine. How long can you do superman for?